"... Roh completely conquered this querulous violin line. She brought out all the lyricism Janáček has to offer and found rhythmic pattern in his fragmentary outbursts. ... Roh proceeded past it with aplomb."
- David Bratman, San Francisco Classical Voice (SFCV)
Yeri Roh, native of Seoul, South Korea, is a recipient of prizes from Padova International Music Competition for Soloists and Orchestra (1st Prize), Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition (Winner), Petrichor Chamber Music Competition (3rd Prize, Ciel Ensemble), Lancaster Chamber Music Competition (2nd Prize, Ciel Ensemble), Eduard Grach International Violin Competition (5th Prize), France Music Competition (1st Prize), LMDC Instrument Lending Competition (2nd Prize), and Busan Maru International Music Festival Concerto Competition (3rd Prize).
Yeri started her professional music training when she was 8, and debuted at the age of 13 performing a duo with Oliver Kern, German pianist as well as a professor at Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst Frankfurt am Main, in South Korea, as part of the opening concert of Asiago Art Hall. During her studies in the U.S., she was invited twice to participate in Leonidas Kavakos International Violin Masterclass in Athens, Greece, and also appeared as soloist in Carnegie Hall’s Weill Hall. Besides, both as avid chamber musician and orchestra player, Yeri was selected to join the Juilliard Orchestra & Sibelius Academy Symphony Orchestra Tour with Esa- Pekka Salonen and performed in Helsinki Music Centre in Finland, Berwaldhallen in Stockholm, Sweden, and Alice Tully Hall in New York. She played with Sejong Soloists in numerous major halls in South Korea including Seoul Arts Center in Seoul, as well as in Carnegie Hall's Zankel Hall, and served as both concertmaster and principal player in Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra. She has also been a member of Versoi Ensemble, which consists of Juilliard students from the Sibelius Academy Tour, and appeared in Merkin Concert Hall at Kaufman Music Center, Lincoln Center’s Alice Tully Hall, David Geffen Hall, and Granada Theatre in Santa Barbara.
Her festival highlights include appearances at Academia Internacional de Musica de Solsona (Spain), Heifetz International Music Institute, Singapore Violin Festival, Music Academy of the West, and Music@Menlo’s International Program, and shared stages with many well-known musicians including Mark Kaplan, Robert Vernon, Ralph Kirshbaum. She was also mentored by Gilbert Kalish, Rachel Podger, Paul Kantor, Pamela Frank, Glenn Dicterow, Shmuel Ashkenasi, Frank Huang, Martin Beaver, Kathleen Winkler, and Victor Danchenko. Her debut at Music@Menlo in 2021, particularly, was well received by the American music review site, San Francisco Classical Voice, and there, performed with Arnaud Sussmann, Wu Han, Matthew Lipman, and other leading players from New York's leading performing group, Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center. In addition, her live performances with them was officially released as an album titled Music@Menlo LIVE 2021, Gather!
Her notable solo performances are, including 13 solo recitals, with Tel Aviv Soloists Ensemble, Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra, and Orchestra da Camera Citta di Camera. As a passionate chamber player, she co-formed Ciel Ensemble based in South Korea, and have given numerous recitals in various venues, which are Ceramic Palace Hall, Lotte Concert Hall, Seoul Arts Center, The House Concert's July Festival, Youngsan Art Hall, and Ilshin Hall.
Yeri graduated from the prestigious Yewon School and Seoul Arts High School in South Korea, and moved to the U.S. to continue her musical studies at The Juilliard School in New York, where she obtained both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. Her principal teachers include Hyo Kang, Adele Anthony, and Sylvia Rosenberg. She earned Doctor of Musical Arts degree at Stony Brook University, under the tutelage of Hagai Shaham, Philip Setzer, Jennifer Frautschi, Arnaud Sussmann, and Emerson String Quartet. During her studies at Stony Brook, she served as String Quartet-in-Residence at SUNY Rockefeller Institute of Government, teaching and mentoring college students as well as young students. She currently holds an Adjunct Faculty position at College of Music, Kyung Hee University in Seoul, Korea.
바이올리니스트 노예리는 예원학교와 서울예술고등학교를 졸업 후 미국 줄리어드 음악원(Juilliard School)에서 장학생으로 강효, Adele Anthony, Sylvia Rosenberg를 사사하며 학사(Bachelor of Music)와 석사(Master of Music) 학위를 취득하였으며, 미국 뉴욕주립대학교 스토니브룩 음악대학(Stony Brook University)에서 Hagai Shaham, Philip Setzer, Jennifer Frautschi, Arnaud Sussmann과 세계적인 현악 사중주인 Emerson String Quartet의 지도 하에 장학생으로 박사 학위(Doctor of Musical Arts)를 취득하였다.
예원학교 재학 시 Asiago Art Hall 개관 기념 연주회에서 독일의 피아니스트이자 프랑크푸르트 국립음대 교수인 Oliver Kern과 함께 듀오 연주로 활동을 시작하였으며, 이탈리아 Padova International Music Competition for Soloists and Orchestra 1위, 미국 Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition 우승, Petrichor Chamber Music Competition 3위, Lancaster International Chamber Music Competition 2위, 러시아 Eduard Grach International Violin Competition 5위, France Music Competition 1위, 부산마루국제음악제 Concerto Competition 3위, 스트라드 콩쿨, 음악저널 콩쿨, 한독 브람스협회 콩쿨 등에 입상하며 실력을 입증하였다.
유학 시절 11회의 독주회를 비롯하여 뉴욕 Carnegie Hall, Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln Center, David Geffen Hall, Merkin Concert Hall 등에서 활발히 연주활동을 펼쳤으며, 세종솔로이스츠의 멤버로 뉴욕 Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall, 서울 예술의 전당 콘서트홀을 비롯하여 전국의 여러 도시에서 연주하였다. 또한 Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra, 이스라엘 Tel Aviv Soloists Ensemble, 이탈리아 Orchestra da Camera Citta di Padova와 함께 솔로이스트로서 협연 무대에 오르기도 했던 그녀는 그리스 아테네에서 열린 Leonidas Kavakos International Violin Masterclass에 두 차례 초청되어 연주하였고, 그 이외에도 Rachel Podger, Pamela Frank, Frank Huang, Victor Danchenko, Shmuel Ashkenasi, Paul Kantor, Eugene Drucker, Martin Beaver, Glenn Dicterow, Gilbert Kalish 등의 세계적인 뮤지션들의 지도를 받으며 음악적 소양을 다졌다. 스토니브룩 음대 재학 시절에는 Stony Brook Symphony Orchestra의 악장과 수석을 역임하였으며, 줄리어드 음악원 재학 중 세계적인 지휘자 Esa-Pekka Salonen이 이끄는 Juilliard Orchestra & Sibelius Academy Symphony Orchestra Concert의 일원으로 선발되어 헬싱키, 스톡홀름, 뉴욕의 저명한 홀에서 연주하였고, 당시 북유럽 투어에 선발되었던 줄리어드 학생들로 구성된 Versoi Ensemble의 멤버로도 연주하며 세계 최고의 현악 잡지인 스트라드(Strad)지의 큰 호평을 받았다.
고등학교 시절부터 유학 기간동안 스페인 Academia Internacional de Musica de Solsona, Singapore Violin Festival, 미국 Heifetz International Music Institute, Music Academy of the West, Music@Menlo Chamber Music Festival's International Program 등 다수의 유명 음악 페스티벌에 초청되어 솔로, 실내악, 오케스트라 활동을 병행하며 음악적 지경을 넓혔다. 특별히 2021년 Music@Menlo Chamber Music Festival에서의 데뷔 무대는 미국의 음악 리뷰 사이트 San Francisco Classical Voice의 호평을 받았고, 뉴욕의 대표적인 연주 단체 Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center의 주요 연주자들인 Arnaud Sussmann, Wu Han, Matthew Lipman 등과 함께 연주하였으며, 실황 연주들이 Music@Menlo LIVE 2021, Gather! 라는 제목의 음반과 여러 음원 매체를 통해 정식 발매되었다.
스토니브룩 음대에서의 박사 과정 중에는 SUNY Rockefeller Institute of Government의 상주 현악 사중주(String Quartet-in-Residence)로 활동하며 다양한 학생들의 실내악 코치로 교육 활동과 퀄텟 연주를 병행하며 큰 호응을 얻었다.
국내에서는 손인경, 윤경희, 김홍준, 김강훈, 양성식, 양고운을 사사했으며, 2023년 금호아트홀 연세에서의 귀국 독주회, 성공회 정오음악회, 인천 엘림아트센터 엘림홀, 평창 대관령 음악제, 더하우스콘서트 시즌6의 24시간 프로젝트에서의 연주회를 비롯해 시엘 앙상블(Ciel Ensemble) 멤버로 세라믹팔레스홀, 예술의전당 여름음악축제, 더하우스콘서트 줄라이 페스티벌, 서초금요음악회, 일신홀, 영산아트홀, 예술의전당 인춘아트홀, 롯데콘서트홀, 최양업홀 정오음악회 등에서 연주하며 활발한 연주 활동을 펼치고 있다. 현재 경희대 음대 및 동대학원, 인천예고에 출강 중이다.